ESG integration
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ESG integration in the investment process

During the analysis of each investment opportunity, our team ensures that the company aligns with our exclusion policy, assesses its contribution to our Sustainable Development Goals, and performs a sustainability risk analysis. The results of the ESG due diligence are incorporated into the presentation to the investment committee for each new investment. ESG analysis is an integral part of our investment process.

Our commitment
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Sustainable and Responsible

We firmly believe that the success of the all-important energy transition depends on forward-thinking companies and entrepreneurs with innovative technologies for the energy transition value chain, paired with financially viable business models that can be scaled up industrially. Through our investments, we aim to facilitate and accelerate this transition, fostering a more sustainable future powered by green energy.

Positive impact
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Our involvement in associations

T2Y Capital is a signatory of the United Nations Principles for Responsible Investment (UN PRI) and actively participates as a member in several organizations, including the Institutional Investors Group on Climate Change (IIGCC), the Forum on Sustainable Investments (FNG), and the Federal Impact Investing Initiative (BII). These affiliations underscore our commitment to sustainable investing and fostering a  network of impact investors, both domestic and international.